About us

Who are we? Brother and sister Benjamin and Audrey Briere. Only us and all those who will take part in this adventure with us by supporting Dreyd's Apparel from near or far. 

Not just a clothing brand, Dreyd's Apparel is about slowing down and taking care of yourself and others.
We started Dreyd's Apparel with the intention to create a sense of community and with hopes to reach our dream life.
We believe that a gentle and slower way of life has the power to heal our wounds. By living in gratitude and mindfulness, with an open mind and by giving free rein to our creativity, the life we dream of will come naturally.
It's a long shot, but hey, it doesn't hurt to dream!
We hope you'll like our products as much as we do, and we're already gratefull for you reading this.
And don't forget, you've got this!

Come see us on Instagram!  https://instagram.com/dreyds.apparel?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==